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SOURCE:    Philology. Theory & Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2019. № 2. P. 218-222.
SCIENTIFIC AREA:    Philological Sciences
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Kurilov Gavril Nikolaevich
Institute for Humanities Research and Indigenous Studies of the North of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Submitted: 10.12.2018
Abstract. The article presents the main results of the structural, semantic, and comparative-contrastive analysis of the kinship terms of the tundra and forest dialects of the Yukagir language with the aim of identifying the features of the most ancient composition of the proto-Yukagir family of languages. The objects of etymologization - the kinship terms эчиэ ‘father’, ииwаа ‘mother’- are considered as the original kinship terms of the tundra dialect of the Yukagir language for the first time. The nature of borrowing the Tungus kinship terms denoting father and mother is determined presumably. The semantic definition is given to the terms чумуочэ ‘father’s elder brother’, ?чидиэ ‘uncle (father’s younger brother)’, чамийаа ‘grandmother (mother’s elder sister)’, йаадиэ ‘aunt (mother’s younger sister)’, the names of the closest relatives of father’s and mother’s generations. The article may be of interest to the researchers specializing in the Ural family of languages, since the Yukagir language belongs to the group of the Finno-Ugric and Samoyed languages.
Key words and phrases: праюкагирский язык, тундренный диалект, лесной диалект, ономастические лексемы, этноним, термины родства, заимствованные слова, исконно юкагирские слова, архаизм, фонетический вариант, звукосочетание, фонетическое видоизменение, семантическое содержание, древняя культура, первобытное мышление, proto-Yukagir language, tundra dialect, forest dialect, onomastic lexemes, ethnonym, kinship terms, loanwords, native Yukagir words, archaism, phonetic variant, sound combination, phonetic modification, semantic content, ancient culture, primitive thinking
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