Kozhokina Angelina Viktorovna, Silant’eva Veronika Georgievna
Saint Petersburg University
Submitted: 22.11.2018
Abstract. The article analyses the semantic category of compatibility, the specificity of its linguistic representation in the modern English language. The novelty of the work is conditioned by the lack of knowledge on this category in modern English. The authors conclude that this category combines sociative and comitative categories, which, in turn, are its components. The result of the study is the separation of functional-semantic (or conceptual) compatibility field, the definition of the main means of compatibility relations expression at different levels of the English language (lexical, syntactic, word-formation).
Key words and phrases: отношение совместности, реципрок, комитатив, социатив, семантическое поле, префикс, compatibility relation, reciprocal, comitative, sociative, semantic field, prefix
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