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SOURCE:    Philology. Theory & Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2019. № 2. P. 336-342.
SCIENTIFIC AREA:    Philological Sciences
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Narbekova Oksana Vladimirovna, Nachernaya Svetlana Vladimirovna
Tambov State Technical University

Moscow Economic Institute

Submitted: 03.12.2018
Abstract. The work deals with the articles included in Z. Prilepin’s collection "Flying Burlaks". The authors pay attention to the comprehension of the Russian reality by the essay writer, to the unique presentation of the material, to the ways of solving problems suggested by Z. Prilepin. His deep involvement in what is happening in Russia and convinced nationalistic ideas are emphasized. The Russian cultural codes are identified; the originality of the Russian life is noted. It is ascertained that the decisive condition for the country development is the change of the elites and the definition of the national idea. The emphasis is placed on the need to respect our history, and to preserve imperial self-identity.
Key words and phrases: З. Прилепин, сборник "Летучие бурлаки", русскость, авторская позиция, почвенность, самоидентификация, культурный код, национальная идея, Z. Prilepin, collection "Flying Burlaks", Russianness, author’s position, nationalistic nature, self-identification, cultural code, national idea
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