Os’mukhina Ol’ga Yur’evna
Ogarev Mordovia State University
Abstract. The article is devoted to the analysis of a hero-detective’s image and its film interpretation. It has been ascertained that a hero-investigator combines certain features of psychopathic personalities (asocial behaviour, affective irritation, egocentrism, desire to ignore social norms and social taboos, intentional estrangement from society, stubbornness in achieving goal) with high intellectual abilities, unconventional thinking. This type of a hero, as opposed to the standardized characters of mass culture with a distorted value system, is perceived as a positive one.
Key words and phrases: образ детектива, киноинтерпретация, Шерлок Холмс, Эраст Фандорин, Лисбет Саландер, Харри Холе, image of detective, film interpretation, Sherlock Holmes, Erast Fandorin, Lisbeth Salander, Harry Hоle
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