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V. Mart’s Prose: Some Literary Connections and Contexts Denisova Ekaterina Andreevna
| 2901-2905 |
Philological Sciences |
Antithesis "Human - Inhuman" as an Ideological and Meaningful Basis of F. I. Chudakov’s Story "Buzuy" Lapteva Natalya Andreyevna
| 2906-2911 |
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Genre Features of Descriptions of Estates near Moscow by A. F. Voeikov Nikitina Dinara Maratovna
| 2912-2921 |
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Semiotics of the "Water" Archetype in the Novel "A Hero of Our Time" by M. Yu. Lermontov Pogrebnaya Yana Vsevolodovna
| 2922-2930 |
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The Habitus of a Train Passenger: The Evolution of a Vector in Works of Epic Form from L. N. Tolstoy to T. N. Tolstaya Royko Oksana Valentinovna
| 2931-2936 |
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Genre Dominants of Gulag Poetry (by the Material of Poetical Texts of Bamlug (Baikal Amur Corrective Labor Camp) Prisoners) Smykovskaya Tatyana Yevgenyevna
| 2937-2941 |
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Problem-Thematic Singularity of R. Mukhamadiev’s Short Stories Zakirzyanov Alfat Magsumzyanovich, Gabidullina Farida Imamutdinovna
| 2942-2946 |
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The Genre of the Poem in the Creative Work of Sibgat Hakim Nadyrshina Leysan Radifovna
| 2947-2951 |
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The Man in the Altai Epic Worldview in the Context of the National Identity Problem Tozyiakova Ekaterina Aleksandrovna, Grebennikova Natalia Stepanovna
| 2952-2957 |
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Aesthetics of Poetics of Betal Kuashev’s Lyrical and Lyro-Epical Works Khavzhokova Lyudmila Borisovna, Beytuganova Fatimat Safarovna
| 2958-2962 |
Philological Sciences |
Soviet Tatar Dramaturgy of the 1920-1930s (by the Example of the Plays by G. Ibragimov and K. Tin?urin) Sharipova Alsu Samigullovna
| 2963-2967 |
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Petersburg Image in the Novel by Kafa Al-Zoobi "Leila, Snow and Lyudmila" Vlasova Yuliya Evgen'evna
| 2968-2972 |
Philological Sciences |
Interpretation of Vina Liques in Horace’s Ode "To Leuconoe" (I, 11) Golikova Maria Sergeevna
| 2973-2977 |
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Two-Worldness in the Novel "The Fifth Heart" by Dan Simmons Emel'yanov Igor' Stepanovich
| 2978-2983 |
Philological Sciences |
Landscape Architecture in J. W. Goethe’s Novel "Elective Affinities" Knertser Maria Pavlovna
| 2984-2989 |
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Formulaic Nature of Expositions in the Modern Japanese Fantasy Kovlekov Kirill Ivanovich
| 2990-2994 |
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Specificity of Landscape Description in Stendhal’s Novel "The Charterhouse of Parma" Nuzhnaia Tatiana Vladimirovna
| 2995-2999 |
Philological Sciences |
The Image of the Millennial in S. Rooney’s Creative Work (by the Example of the Novels "Conversations with Friends" and "Normal People") Saifullina Milyausha Nazimovna, Sakhapova Farida Hanifovna, Mazaeva Tatyana Viktorovna
| 3000-3004 |
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Distinctiveness of Sentimentalism in William Godwin’s Early Novels Seregina Maria Alexandrovna
| 3005-3009 |
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O. Huxley’s Brave New Transhumanistic World Faizullina Rushana Alfredovna
| 3010-3014 |
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Image of Cloud in Coptic Hagiography: Origins and Functions Frangulian Lilia Rubenovna
| 3015-3019 |
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Глабалізацыя і славянскае словаўтварэнне: ХVI Міжнародны з’езд славістаў (Сербія, Бялград, 19-27.08.2018): тэматычны блок / Нацыянальная акадэмія навук Беларусі; Інстытут мовазнаўства імя Якуба Коласа; Беларускі камітэт славістаў; Камісія па славянскім словаўтварэнні пры Міжнародным камітэце славіст Izotov Andrey Ivanovich
| 3021-3023 |
Philological Sciences |
Utilitarian Necessity and Desire in the Russian Nationalist Discourse (Based on the Content from VKontakte Social Group "Sputnik i Pogrom") Golikov Leonid Mikhailovich
| 3024-3029 |
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"The Great Game" in the North: The Role of the Game Metaphor in Interpretation of the Content of the Concept-Ideologeme ARCTIC Zhigunov Anton Yurevich
| 3030-3033 |
Philological Sciences |
Game Transforms of Usual Designations of Males as a Means of Representing the Category of Masculinity in Informal Internet Communication Kallistratidis Evgeniia Vladimirovna
| 3034-3039 |
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The Role of Interrogative Sentences in a Poetic Text Kulsarina Irena Galinurovna, Khisamova Galiya Gillmullovna
| 3040-3045 |
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Linguistic and Cultural Specifics of V. V. Putin’s Image in the Serbian Media in 2021 (Based on the Material of the Internet Portals Blic and Kurir) Kunich Zvezdan
| 3046-3051 |
Philological Sciences |
Cognitive Mechanisms of Reality Representation in Advertising Tourist Narrative Men’shikova Ekaterina Evgen'evna
| 3052-3056 |
Philological Sciences |
Paroemias Containing Names of Vegetable Cultivated Plants in the Russian Language (as Compared to the Chinese and Korean Languages) Nan Yanhua
| 3057-3062 |
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Semantics of Verbs of Sounding in A. Blok’s Collection "Poems about the Beautiful Lady" Spivakova Elena Michailovna
| 3063-3068 |
Philological Sciences |
Structural, Semantic and Linguopragmatic Features of Names of Dietary Supplements That Have Sedative Effect on Nervous System Shleidovets Tatiana Alexandrovna
| 3069-3074 |
Philological Sciences |
Outdated Vocabulary in the Yakut Language Skryabina Alevtina Afanasievna
| 3075-3079 |
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The Features of Neologization during the Pandemic in the German Language Akkuratova Irina Borisovna
| 3080-3085 |
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Metaphorical Representation of Cognitive Processes in the German Language Katamadze Mariya Olegovna, Drozdova Svetlana Alekseevna
| 3086-3093 |
Philological Sciences |
Evaluative-Characterizing Function of Toponyms in English-Language Genre Literature Kondrashova (Kozmina) Vera Niсkolaevna, Shustrova Elena Nickolaevna
| 3094-3099 |
Philological Sciences |
Phraseological Analogue as the Basic Technique to Translate American Literary Phraseologisms (by the Example of the Novel "To Kill a Mockingbird" By Harper Lee) Korshunova Elena Sergeevna
| 3100-3104 |
Philological Sciences |
Implementation of the Dynamics Category in the Online Newspaper Text (by the Material of Web Versions of English-Language Newspapers) Paramonova Marina Ilyinichna
| 3105-3111 |
Philological Sciences |
Punch as a Linguocultural Character Type in British Culture Pospelova Nadezhda Vladimirovna
| 3112-3116 |
Philological Sciences |
Nicknames as the Basis of Pseudonyms for the English-Speaking Authors Sidorov Andrei Vladimirovich
| 3117-3121 |
Philological Sciences |
Axiological Potential of Depersonification in Advertising Tourist Discourse of Germany Tretiakova Evgenia Valeryevna
| 3122-3126 |
Philological Sciences |
The Peculiarities of the Poetic Language of Modern German-Speaking Women’s Poetry of the Second Half of the XX - the Beginning of the XXI Century (by the Poetic Texts of Ingeborg Bachmann, Mascha Kal?ko, Eva Schtrittmatter) Shuaipova Alina Abasovna
| 3127-3133 |
Philological Sciences |
Specificity of Speech Expressiveness Means in C?te d'Ivoire French Kondratieva Anna Sergeevna
| 3134-3138 |
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Features of Representation of the Concept-Opposition CHARACTER - FAMILY TIES in H. Bazin’s Trilogy "The Rezeau Family" by Word Formation Means Sviridova Evgeniya Igorevna
| 3139-3144 |
Philological Sciences |
Interrelation of Sign Systems: Verbal and Pictorial Languages (by the Example of Denis Diderot’s "Salons") Belova Tatiana Mukhoramovna
| 3145-3149 |
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Quantitative and Qualitative Approach to Determinologisation Research Brattseva Anna Leonidovna
| 3150-3158 |
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The Main Problematics of Celtic Studies in Modern British Linguistics Gavrilova Julia Viktorovna
| 3159-3164 |
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Aspect of Duality and Secondariness in Numerical Modifications of Western European Folklore Devitskaya Elena Nikolaevna
| 3165-3169 |
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Structural Model of Chess Terms in the Russian Language Zhuravleva Irina Nikolaevna
| 3170-3179 |
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Expansion of Sociolinguistic Research Terminology in the Field of Dialectology, Language Changes, Multilingualism Kirilenko Svetlana Vladimirovna
| 3180-3183 |
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Cognitive Constructs in the Everyday Consciousness of Hearing and Hearing-Impaired Adolescents Kolodina Nina Ivanovna
| 3184-3190 |
Philological Sciences |
Comparative Study of the Figurative Meaning of Adjectives in the Russian and Chinese Lexical Systems Korbut Alexandra Yur’evna, Hou Xinhao
| 3191-3195 |
Philological Sciences |
Voice as a Mythological Archetype in Indo-European Culture Ledovskikh Antonina Yur’evna
| 3196-3201 |
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Approaches to Defining the Term "Slang" in Retrospective of Linguistic Research Titarenko Sergey Alexandrovich
| 3202-3208 |
Philological Sciences |
National and Cultural Specifics of the Nomination of Phraseological Euphemisms Denoting Physical and Mental Characteristics of a Person in the Russian and English Languages Arsentyeva Yulia Svyatoslavovna
| 3209-3213 |
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Comparative Analysis of the Etymology of Blood Relation Terms in the Russian and English Languages Demidova Maria Mikhailovna
| 3214-3218 |
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Comparative Analysis of Adverbs of Simultaneity in the English and Tatar Languages Lutfullina Gulnara Firdavisovna
| 3219-3223 |
Philological Sciences |
Cultural Codes in the English and Russian Riddles about Nature Filippova Sargylana Vasilievna, Filippova Varvara Vasilievna
| 3224-3228 |
Philological Sciences |
Concept WATER in Russian and Chinese Phraseological Units, Proverbs and Sayings Fomenko Irina Borisovna
| 3229-3236 |
Philological Sciences |
Comparative Analysis of the Semantic Features of the Verbs of Motion in the Russian and Persian Languages Khalida Siyami Eidlak, Yazdanmehr Cayyed Mohammad Javad
| 3237-3242 |
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Manifestations of Semantic Ambiguity in the Russian and English Ecological Terminology Chernikova Elena Olegovna, Alekseeva Olga Pavlovna
| 3243-3248 |
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Value Representation of Gender Stereotypes through Paroemias Containing Gender Nomination (Based on English and Russian Proverbs) Shaimardanova Milyausha Ravilevna, Akhmetova Leysan Atlasovna
| 3249-3254 |
Philological Sciences |
Quantitative Analysis of Hedges Distribution across Scientific Article Sections (by the Material of the English Language) Dubinina Ekaterina Yurievna
| 3255-3261 |
Philological Sciences |