Instantaneous Transfer into Another Time Technique in Valentin Kataev’s Novella "The Little Iron Door in the Wall" and Boris Rakhmanin’s Novella "Clock without Hands"
Tsurueva Petimat Sharipovna
Moscow State Pedagogical University
Submitted: 20.12.2021
Abstract. The aim of the study is to determine the function of the "instantaneous transfer into another time" technique in historical prose, which is attained by identifying the literary argumentation of its application by writers who use fundamentally different historical material and achieve similar but not tautological results. Having analysed this technique in conjunction with the semantics of the title and the vector chosen by the authors in order to achieve historical accuracy, the researcher has found that for V. Kataev, referring to names of historical figures and creating an image of poetic memories form the same genre priorities, while the image of a clock without hands, reflected in the title of B. Rakhmanin’s novella, prompts him to give his own genre definition - "it is both a fairy tale and a true story". Scientific novelty of the study lies in providing insight into these specific genre priorities.
Key words and phrases: мовизм, фантастика, жанровый синтез, интрига, mauvism, fantasy, genre synthesis, intrigue
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