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SOURCE:    Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art.
Issues of Theory and Practice
. Tambov: Gramota, 2009. № 3. P. 114-116.
SCIENTIFIC AREA:    Law Sciences
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Matchanova Zoya Sharifovna
Russian State Pedagogical University
Department of International Law

Abstract. In the article the problem of revealing the motivation of terrorist activity by means of the generalization of various views concerning this problem in criminological science is analyzed. Criminological studying of a terrorist person and his/her motivations is supplemented with the data which are introduced by the experts in the field of psychology. In the article the problem of the aggression formation of a suicide terrorist is mentioned.
Key words and phrases: личность террориста, террорист-смертник, мотивация "террористического" поведения, источники мотивов, мировоззрение террориста, индивидуальный мотивационный комплекс, terrorist personality, suicide terrorist, motivation of "terrorist" behaviour, sources of motives, terrorist outlook, individual motivational complex
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