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SOURCE:    Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2012. № 3. Part 2. P. 191-193.
SCIENTIFIC AREA:    Historical Sciences and Archeology
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Sudovikov Mikhail Sergeevich
Vyatka State Classical University

Abstract. The author analyzes record keeping documentation complex describing the formation ways and main directions of regional merchants' activity in pre-revolutionary Russia, pays special attention to the sources that are stored in the funds of both local and central archives; reveals the features that characterize the group of documents under consideration, and for the first time presents the review of record keeping sources on merchant class history, covering materials from the XVIIth - the beginning of the XXth century, connected with Vyatka district.
Key words and phrases: делопроизводственная документация, архивы, купечество, регион, Вятская губерния, г. Хлынов, г. Вятка, С. Я. Лянгусов, record keeping documentation, archives, merchants, region, Vyatka province, Khlynov town, Vyatka town, S. Ya. Lyangusov
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  1. Vyatka: materialy dlya istorii goroda XVII i XVIII stoletii. M.: Tip. M. G. Volchaninova, 1887. 311 s.
  2. Zhurnaly Vyatskoi gorodskoi dumy za 1890 god. Vyatka: Tip. Sycheva, 1891. 207 s.
  3. Lipina S. A. Kozhevenno-obuvnaya promyshlennost' Vyatskoi gubernii v nachale XX veka // Istoricheskie, filosofskie, politicheskie i yuridicheskie nauki, kul'turologiya i iskusstvovedenie. Voprosy teorii i praktiki. Tambov: Gramota, 2011. № 7 (13). Ch. III. S. 125-129.
  4. Nakaz deputatu v komissii Novogo ulozheniya ot kupechestva goroda Khlynova // Trudy Vyatskoi uchenoi arkhivnoi komissii - 1907. Vyatka: Tip. P. D. Kharitonova, 1908. Vyp. II. Otd. III. S. 52-60.
  5. Obzor Vyatskoi gubernii za 1877 god. Vyatka: Tip. gub. pravleniya, 1878. 101 s.
  6. Otryvok iz pokazaniya Muromtsa Ileiki, nazvavshegosya synom tsarya Feodora Ioannovicha tsarevichem Petrom: zapisano 1607 g. oktyabrya 10 // Drevnie akty, otnosyashchiesya k istorii Vyatskogo kraya: prilozh. k 2-mu t. sb. "Stoletie Vyatskoi gubernii". Vyatka: Tip. gub. pravleniya, 1881. S. 58-59.
  7. Otchet Vyatskogo blagotvoritel'nogo obshchestva za 1875 god. Vyatka: Gub. tip., 1876. 7 s.
  8. Sudovikov M. S. Kupecheskoe soslovie Vyatsko-Kamskogo regiona v kontse XVIII - nachale XX veka. Kirov: Izd-vo VyatGGU, 2009. 342 s.
  9. Tamozhennye knigi Moskovskogo gosudarstva XVII veka / pod red. A. I. Yakovleva. M. - L.: Izd-vo Akademii nauk SSSR, 1950. T. I. Severnyi rechnoi put': Ustyug Velikii, Sol'vychegodsk, Tot'ma v 1633-1636 gg. 888 c.

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