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SOURCE:    Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2013. № 12. Part 1. P. 193-196.
SCIENTIFIC AREA:    Historical Sciences and Archeology
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Fedina Tat'yana Aleksandrovna
Moscow State Pedagogical University

Abstract. The article tells about the beginning of the diplomatic mission of Baron Prosper de Barante, the ambassador of France in Russia from 1835 till 1841. Prosper de Barante arrived in Russia at the time of strained relations that existed between Russia and France in the 1830-1840s as Emperor Nicholas I did not approve of French King Louis Philippe and July Monarchy regime. The author pays special attention to how the French ambassador was received by the Emperor and the Russian court, what problems existed at that moment in bilateral relations, and what tasks the French government set before Barante in these circumstances.
Key words and phrases: русско-французские отношения, Проспер де Барант, Николай I, Луи Филипп, Июльская монархия, Russian-French relations, Prosper de Barante, Nicholas I, Louis Philippe, July Monarchy
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  1. Mil'china V. A. Rossiya i Frantsiya. Diplomaty. Literatory. Shpiony. SPb., 2004. 525 s.
  2. Tan'shina N. P. Posol'stvo barona de Baranta v Rossii v 1835-1841 gg. Po vospominaniyam frantsuzskogo diplomata // Rossiya i Frantsiya. XVIII-XX veka. M., 2011. Vyp. 10. S. 83-120.
  3. Tan'shina N. P. Rossiya barona de Baranta // Rodina. 2009. № 11. S. 55-57.
  4. Tatishchev S. S. Imperator Nikolai i inostrannye dvory: istoricheskie ocherki. SPb., 1889. 459 s.
  5. Barante P. de. Souvenirs du baron de Barante. Paris, 1895. Vol. 5. 574 p.
  6. Guizot F. M. de Barante. A Memoir, Biographical and Autobiographical. Londres, 1867. 182 p.

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