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SOURCE:    Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2014. № 2. Part 1. P. 211-213.
SCIENTIFIC AREA:    Historical Sciences and Archeology
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Shchelokova Nataliya Vyacheslavovna
Lobachevsky State University of Nizhni Novgorod (Branch) in Arzamas

Abstract. The article reveals the role and significance of Oxford University in spreading John Wyclif’s teaching, whose views were the basis of the Reformation movement in Europe, led the "revolution" in the European religious philosophy, and were represented in the teachings of Martin Luther and John Calvin. The author pays particular attention to the analysis of the bull series of Pope Gregory XI and the constitution of Arundel.
Key words and phrases: Джон Виклиф, Оксфорд, ересь, булла, собор теологов, католическое вероучение, Сэдбери, Куртнэ, Эдуард III, Вильям Бертон, Григорий XI, конституция Арундела, John Wyclif, Oxford, heresy, bull, assembly of theologians, Catholic dogma, Sudbury, Courtenay, Edw
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  1. Kuznetsov E. V. Dvizhenie lollardov v Anglii (konets XIV – XV v.). Gor'kii, 1971. 82 s.
  2. Mineeva T. G. Politika i vlast': Angliya trekh Genrikhov (1399-1471). N. Novgorod, 2001. 189 s.
  3. Shchelokova N. V. Uchenie Dzhona Viklifa o tserkvi i gosudarstve. Arzamas, 2000. 179 s.
  4. Foxe J. The Acts and Monuments of the Church / ed. by J. Stoughton. L., 1877. Vol. III-IV. 183 p.
  5. Hudson A. Notes and Documents // English Historical Review. Oxford, 2003. R. 16-32.
  6. Lechler G. V. Johann von Wiclif und Vorgeschichte der Reformation. Leipzig, 1871-1873. Bd. I-II. 840 S.
  7. Workman H. B. John Wyclif. A Study of the English Medieval Church. Oxford, 1926. Vol. I-II. 236 r.

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