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SOURCE:    Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2015. № 11. Part 1. P. 169-171.
SCIENTIFIC AREA:    Historical Sciences and Archeology
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Savina Anna Viktorovna
Vologda State University

Abstract. The article aims to represent the image of the European reformer John Calvin (1509-1564) in the Russian historical thought of the second half of the XIX century. In this period general history as a science was forming in Russia, and the theme of Reformation on the whole and Calvinism in particular attracted much attention. The author shows the evolution both in the nature of addressing the subject and in the evaluations of the historians. Such investigations have not been previously conducted in the national science.
Key words and phrases: Ж. Кальвин, Реформация, Т. Н. Грановский, В. В. Бауер, М. Н. Петров, В. И. Герье, И. В. Лучицкий, Р. Ю. Виппер, John Calvin, Reformation, T. N. Granovsky, V.V. Bauer, M. N. Petrov, V. I. Guerrier, I. V. Luchitskiy, R. Y. Wipper
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  1. Bauer V. V. Zametki po istorii Zapadnoi Evropy v XVI-XVII vv. Litografiya lektsii 1880-1881 gg. SPb., b.g. 687 s.
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  3. Vipper R. Yu. Tserkov' i gosudarstvo v Zheneve XVI veka v epokhu kal'vinizma. M., 1894. 686 s.
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  6. Luchitskii I. V. Katolicheskaya liga i kal'vinisty vo Frantsii. Kiev, 1877. 560 s.
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  8. Mishle Zh. Reforma. Iz istorii Frantsii v XVI v. / per. s fr. SPb., 1862. 232 s.
  9. Petrov M. N. Lektsii po vsemirnoi istorii. Khar'kov, 1888. T. 3. Istoriya novykh vekov. Reformatsionnaya epokha. 216 s.
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  11. B?ze T. de. L'histoire de la vie et mort de feu M. Jean Calvin. Gen?ve, 1657. 204 p.
  12. Bolsec J. H. Histoire de la vie, moeurs, actes, doctrine et mort de Jean Calvin. Lyon, 1577. 26+143 p.
  13. Capefigue J. B. Histoire de la Reformation, de la Ligue et du regne le Henry IV. Paris, 1834-1835. V. 1-8.
  14. Dufour A. Le mythe de Gen?ve au temps de Calvin // Dufour A. Histoire politique et psychologie historique. Geneve, 1966. P. 63-95.
  15. Guisot F. Les vies de quatre grands chretiens fran?ais. Paris, 1873. V. 1. 398 p.
  16. Henry P. E. Das Leben Johann Calvin?s des gro?en Reformators. Hamburg, 1835-1844.
  17. Kampschulte F. W. Johann Calvin, seine Kirche und sein Staat in Genf. Leipzig, 1869-1899.
  18. L?onard E. G. Histoire g?n?rale du protestantisme. Paris, 1988. Vol. 1. 401 p.

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