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SOURCE:    Pedagogy. Theory & Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2024. № 7.
Procedure of Scientific Articles Publication | Subject Index
Article Pages Section
The use of multimedia presentations in teaching foreign language vocabulary in elementary school
Vasilyeva Kseniya Olegovna, Krylova Irina Aleksandrovna
585-593 Pedagogical Sciences
The views of S. T. Shatsky and V. N. Shatskaya on the family as an environment of aesthetic education
Bannikova Tatiana Nikolaevna, Ohanyan Tatiana Borisovna
594-600 Pedagogical Sciences
Jigsaw technique in foreign language classes at a non-linguistic university (using the example of working with video materials)
Aksenova Zhanna Aleksandrovna, Stolbovskaya Natal'ya Vyacheslavovna, Aksenova Olga Sergeevna
601-607 Pedagogical Sciences
The content of teaching a professionally oriented foreign language for students of customs
Afonina Ksenia Evgenyevna
608-615 Pedagogical Sciences
Sociocultureme as a unit of semantization of extralinguistic knowledge when teaching Russian as a foreign language
Alikina Elena Vadimovna, Zhdanova Maria Vladimirovna
616-623 Pedagogical Sciences
Development and implementation of video tutorials as a means of optimizing the independent work of students of a non-linguistic university in English
Zakharova Olga Olegovna
624-632 Pedagogical Sciences
Scientific review of the educational publication: Allagulova A. A. Extracurricular activities of a teacher of technology and the subject area "Art": an educational and methodological guide. Ufa: Aeterna, 2024. 100 p.
Sterkhov Alexey Alexeevich
633-634 Pedagogical Sciences
Historical and cultural commentary as a necessary condition for the successful implementation of the school literature curriculum
Borisov Sergey Borisovich
635-641 Pedagogical Sciences
The project activity as a component of teaching academic writing to students of non-linguistic universities in the genre of a survey report based on the material of the English language
Voronevskaya Natalia Viktorovna, Butsyk Elizaveta Dmitrievna
642-646 Pedagogical Sciences
Features of teaching a foreign language (English) to students of a language university in a multilingual educational space (on the example of the Republic of Tatarstan)
Krivosheeva Natalia Nikolayevna
647-653 Pedagogical Sciences
Educational event as a subject of pedagogical analysis
Kalatskaya Natalya Nikolaevna
654-661 Pedagogical Sciences
The interdependence of the development of critical thinking and educational subjectivity in the structure of the set of meta-subject competencies of higher education students
Khismatulina Natalya Vladimirovna
662-668 Pedagogical Sciences
Features of the organization of work with phraseological somatisms in classes on Russian as a foreign language (textbook project of vocabulary type for the middle stage of language learning)
Nizamutdinova Gulnaz Samatovna
669-674 Pedagogical Sciences
The causes of the language barrier in high school students when learning a foreign language
Semyonova Nadezhda Igorevna, Iakobadze Dzhuna Zurabovna
675-681 Pedagogical Sciences
Procedure of Scientific Articles Publication | Subject Index

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