Chang Xiaogeng
Saint Petersburg Stieglitz State Academy of Art and Design
Submitted: 13.11.2019
Abstract. This article considers the specificity, development factors, history of the speciality "Environmental Design" in Russia and China. It is shown that environmental design is historically associated with environmental movement and socio-economic changes. In both the countries, this academic discipline refers to the sphere of art and culture and is considered as interdisciplinary area. Scientific originality of the study involves comparing development trends of environmental design in Russia and China and introducing previously unknown information obtained from interviews with the teachers who stood at the origins of environmental design as an academic discipline.
Key words and phrases: средовой дизайн, междисциплинарность, Санкт-Петербургская государственная художественно-промышленная академия им. А. Л. Штиглица, Университет Цинхуа, Пекинский технологический университет, environmental design, interdisciplinarity, Saint Petersburg Stieglitz State Academy of Art and Design, Tsinghua University, Beijing University of Technology
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