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SOURCE:    Manuscript. Tambov: Gramota, 2019. № 9. P. 90-94.
SCIENTIFIC AREA:    Philosophical Sciences
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Tylik Artem Yur'evich
Lyceum № 597

Submitted: 26.05.2019
Abstract. The article examines "relational aesthetics" conception introduced by the French theoretician Nicolas Bourriaud to describe the originality of artistic practices at the end of the XX century. The paper analyses the relations of the "street wave" movement (painters’ escape from exhibition spaces to urban environment) with the so called "relational turn" in the European art described by N. Bourriaud. The researcher examines relational strategies of modern street painters (Mobster, Ponosov, Chang), reveals a relational potential of modern street art. The causes of "relational turn" are considered. "Relational turn" in art is interpreted according to historiosophic conceptions of the Soviet theoretician B. Arvatov.
Key words and phrases: реляционная эстетика, реляционное искусство, реляционный поворот, уличная волна, уличное искусство, стрит-арт, паблик-арт, relational aesthetics, relational art, relational turn, "street wave", street art, public art
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