Butenko Nadezhda Alekseevna
Surgut State University
Submitted: 01.07.2019
Abstract. The article is devoted to analysing the basic theoretical approaches to studying the essence of the equitable society and the causes of social conflicts. The author focuses on identifying interrelation between the emergence of conflicts and the conceptions of the equitable society. The findings indicate that, firstly, regardless of different approaches to the justice conception, there is a common notion of justice as economic equality, legal equality, equal opportunities. Secondly, the causes of social conflicts are often associated with social inequality and injustice.
Key words and phrases: социальные конфликты, современное общество, глобализация, теоретические подходы, парадигмы, социальное неравенство, справедливость, social conflicts, modern society, globalization, theoretical approaches, paradigms, social inequality, justice
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