Zav'yalova Galina Ivanovna, Perekhoda Marina Aleksandrovna
Orenburg State University
Submitted: 16.06.2019
Abstract. The authors argue that the crisis of modern jurisprudence is conditioned by the fact that legal scientists ignore the essence of the cognition object, considering it either as an object placed into the space of empirical phenomena, or as an object of the metaphysical world of universal entities. Ontological vector remains purely a methodological scheme, or misinterpreted (is identified with metaphysical programs), or just neglected. To solve this problem, the authors consider ontologization as a process of comparing the cognition object with the topos of its existence, the purpose of which is the search for truth and further socio-construction of this phenomenon.
Key words and phrases: онтология, онтологизация, право, правоведение, объект познания, ontology, ontologization, law, jurisprudence, cognition object
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