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SOURCE:    Manuscript. Tambov: Gramota, 2019. № 9. P. 142-146.
SCIENTIFIC AREA:    Philosophical Sciences
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Belaya Irina Anatol'evna
National Research Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod

Submitted: 14.05.2019
Abstract. The article considers the principle of ethicism as a structure-forming characteristic of life consciousness in the Russian philosophy. Consciousness ethicism is understood as the dominance of its moral aspect over other dimensions. From the author’s viewpoint, ethicism represents the specificity of the Russian philosophers’ understanding of consciousness as a vitally important factor in an individual’s life. In Tolstoy’s philosophy, it is designated by the term "life consciousness". The paper traces the interrelation of the consciousness phenomenon in the Russian philosophy with its East Christian prototype in the aspect of the structure-forming characteristic of ethicism.
Key words and phrases: сознание, этицизм, сознание жизни, отказ от личности, метанойя, consciousness, ethicism, life consciousness, abandoning personal identity, metanoia
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