Opolev Pavel Valer'evich
Siberian State Automobile and Highway University (SibADI)
Submitted: 03.07.2019
Abstract. The article considers the problem of complexity in culture through the lenses of its specialized forms, identifies the patterns of culture complication. Progress in art is interpreted as one of the aspects of humanitarian progress. On the one hand, art objects are invaluable and unique; on the other hand, specialized forms of culture represent cultural complexity. Specialized forms of culture can be considered as a cause and consequence of cultural complication. The following criteria of art complication are identified: perfect performance technique, originality, meaningful fullness, "fractal narration", subjects’ ability for aesthetic reflection, etc. The author concludes that when it comes to complexity of specialized forms of culture, complexity should be considered as an anthropo-cultural phenomenon.
Key words and phrases: искусство, культура, прогресс, простота, сложность, усложнение, человек, фрактал, art, culture, progress, simplicity, complexity, complication, human being, fractal
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