Self-Care Practices in Gnosticism of the I-IV Centuries A.D
Bakhar Spiridon Aleksandrovich
Saint-Petersburg Medico-Social Institute
Submitted: 30.07.2020
Abstract. The paper examines ancient Gnosticism with a view to identify practices nowadays called "self-care" or "techniques of the self". The author shows that in the context of gnostic philosophy, certain spiritual practices became special means of subjectivation. Analysing gnostic anthropology, gnoseology and soteriology, the researcher identifies the role of these practices. Gnostic means to acquire, preserve and transfer knowledge are described. The social aspect of gnostic self-care is considered. Specificity of gnostic mentorship is revealed. Scientific originality of the study lies in the fact that the researcher determines goals and specifies elements of the self-care practices adopted among the Gnostics in the I-IV centuries A.D. The following conclusions are justified: for the Gnostics, the postulate that an individual can’t achieve truth by his own efforts does not eliminate necessity to perform certain actions focused on an individual’s spiritual transformation and self-cognition.
Key words and phrases: античный гностицизм, забота о себе, духовные практики, самопознание, субъективация, ancient Gnosticism, self-care, spiritual practices, self-cognition, subjectivation
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