Masonic Mythology in W. A. Mozart’s Creative Work (by the Example of "The Magic Flute")
Baibikova Galina Valentinovna, Kuznetsova Alina Vladimirovna, Duying
Belgorod State Institute of Arts and Culture
Submitted: 09.07.2020
Abstract. The paper aims to reveal interaction of masonic notions represented in mystical symbols and musical images of the fairy opera "The Magic Flute" by W. A. Mozart. The article analyses representation of masonic mythological themes at different levels of the musical composition: storyline, dramaturgic, prosodic. Scientific originality of the study involves a comprehensive philosophical and musicological analysis of the musical text focused on identifying interrelation of the musical material and masonic symbols. The research findings are as follows: the authors prove that masonic notions and symbols determine the storyline development, the author’s intention and the personages’ images interpretation; reveal importance of number symbolism for the dramaturgy and composition; distinguish two levels of musical-prosodic masonic symbols (overall prosodic complex and concrete symbols-figures).
Key words and phrases: масонская мифология, музыкальная символика, лейтмотивы, трикстеры, опера "Волшебная флейта" В. А. Моцарта, masonic mythology, musical symbolism, leitmotivs, tricksters, opera "The Magic Flute" by W. A. Mozart
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