Rakhmatullin Rafael Yusupovich, Ziyazetdinov Rafis Minegalievich, Yunusbaeva Venera Favisovna
Bashkir State Agrarian University
Submitted: 09.05.2021
Abstract. The paper aims to reveal the meaning of sunnah in Islam. Relevance of the problem is conditioned by the fact that sunnah is a subject of growing criticism on the part of the Quranists. The article considers history of Quranism; special attention is paid to Rashad Khalifa’s views. It is shown that the existing criticism of certain hadiths, regarded as falsifications or outdated norms of the medieval Arabic law (adat), is well grounded. The authors claim that Quranism, even though it contains some reformative ideas, threatens foundations of classical Islam. The following conclusions are justified: Quranism holds the Quran to be the only source of the Islamic law and faith. This doctrine is based entirely on R. Khalifa’s discovery of the Quran mathematical structure. However, the authors argue that this discovery does not diminish value of the non-Quranic norms contained in hadiths. Scientific originality of the research is conditioned by the fact that the authors provide a critical analysis of Rashad Khalifa’s doctrine for the first time in the Russian Islamic studies. It is proved that some hadiths take their origin from the medieval Arabic law.
Key words and phrases: Коран, сунна, хадис, коранизм, адат, Quran, sunnah, hadith, Quranism, adat
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