Pan-Art Педагогика. Вопросы теории и практики Филологические науки. Вопросы теории и практики Манускрипт

Архив научных статей

ИСТОЧНИК:    Альманах современной науки и образования. Тамбов: Грамота, 2010. Выпуск 3. Часть 2. С. 133-137
РАЗДЕЛ:    Филологические науки
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Лицензионное соглашение об использовании научных материалов.


Sharapova Yuliya Viktorovna
Herzen State Pedagogical University, St. Petersburg

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Список литературы:
  1. Adlam T. A drop of Irish jokes. Lagan Books, 2005.
  2. Adlam T. Another drop of Irish jokes. Lagan Books, 2005.
  3. Boell H. Irish journal / translated by L. Vennewitz. Evanston-Illinois: The Marlboro Press; Northwestern University Press, 1998.
  4. Eagleton T. The truth about the Irish. Dublin: New Island Books, 2006.
  5. Everyday English and slang in Ireland: quotes on or by the Irish [Electronic source]. URL:
  6. Finbar`s hotel / Bolger D., Doyle R., Enright A., Hamilton H., Johnston J., O`Connor J., Toibin C. / devised and edited by D. Bolger. San Diego-New York-London: A Harvest Original Harcourt Brace and Company, 1998.
  7. Hedding J. St. Patrick`s Day: Judy`s Phoenix Blog [Electronic source] // guide to Phoenix. URL:
  8. Ireland: DK eyewitness travel guide. London, 2006.
  9. Ireland in your pocket / compiled by A. Show. Gill & MacMillan, 2004.
  10. Irish blessings / compiled by A. Shannon. Philadelphia-London: Running Press, 1999.
  11. Irish proverbs. Many quips a strong man will make / compiled by A. M. Imbornoni [Electronic source]. URL:
  12. McNally F. The xenophobe`s guide to the Irish. Oval Books, 2005.
  13. Murphy C., O`Dea D. The book of Irish characters. What are we fecking` like? Dublin: The O`Brien Press, 2007.
  14. O`Brien D. A guide to the Irish // Hot English Magazine. St. Petersburg, 2004. № 1. P. 10-11.
  15. Rekowski P. J. Ireland. A story of beauty and hope. Berlin: Viewfinder, 2005.
  16. Richards T. A survivor`s guide to living in Ireland. Storylines Entertainment Ltd., 2005.
  17. Share B. Slanguage: a dictionary of slang and colloquial English in Ireland. Gill & MacMillan, 2005.
  18. Talk nation. The Irish on everything and anything / compiled by A. Malone. Currach Press, 2004.
  19. The Oprah Winfrey Show. Rock star Bono`s mission to save the world [Electronic source] // The U2 Station News Blog. 2002. September 20. Friday. URL:
  20. What is the Irish blessing? [Electronic source] // WiseGeek. URL:

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