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Aleksandr Radikovich Samoilo
Russian State Pedagogical University named after A. I. Gertsen
July 17, 2011
The article is devoted to the relationships between Sparta and Persia at the end of Peloponnesus war. During this period the Persians allocated big sums for subsidizing Spartan fleet. But not all Spartans approved such union. The researched problem is connected with Navarch (vαύαρχος) Callicratidas's policy who tried to form the union of Greek states in order to be financially independent from Persia. In the author's opinion this policy could have been successful if Callicratidas had not died in 406 B.C. in the battle of Arginusae. His death reduced this idea to nothing.
Key words and phrases:
Пелопоннесская война
наварх Калликратид
битва при Аргинусских островах
персидские субсидии
Peloponnesus war
Navarch Callicratidas
battle of Arginusae
Persian subsidies
the whole article in PDF format. Free PDF-files viewer can be downloaded here.
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