License Agreement
1. This license agreement is a public license for scientific materials on “Gramota” Publishers’ website in the “Archive of Scientific Articles” section at the link and determines their use order.
2. The main notions used in the agreement:
Publishers – “Gramota” Publishers, the publisher of the academic journals: “Almanac of Modern Science and Education”; “Pedagogy. Theory & Practice”; “Philology. Theory & Practice”; “Manuscript”, the holder of non-exclusive rights (Rightholder) to scientific works published in these journals, the owner of the site
Works – print clones of scientific works (scientific articles) published in the journals of Publishers and posted on Publishers’ website in the “Archive of Scientific Articles” section at the link
User – any physical body using Works for personal purposes on the basis of this license agreement.
3. User must acquaint with this license agreement clauses before starting to use Works. Visiting the “Archive of Scientific Articles” section ( on Publishers’ website by User implies User’s consent with this license agreement clauses regardless of Works looking through, reading. In case of dissent with this license agreement clauses User must abstain from visiting the “Archive of Scientific Articles” section of “Gramota” Publishers’ website.
4. Publishers give Users an opportunity of free, unrestricted (soever) personal use of Works for scientific and educational purposes.
5. Works use by other persons or for other purposes, including any commercial use, Works use by their print clones copying and posting on the Internet for general access are allowed only with Publishers’ preliminary written permit.
6. User has the right to use Works provided these Works authors’ names, the name of Rightholder (“Gramota” Publishers) and “Gramota” Publishers’ website address – – are mentioned without fail.
7. Publishers have no responsibility to Users or other third parties for any damage caused in connection with Works use.