Pan-Art Pedagogy. Theory & Practice Philology. Theory & Practice Manuscript

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ISSUE:    Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Theory & Practice. 2011. Issue 5-2

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Natal'ya Sergeevna Murashova
Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University

Submitted: July 17, 2011
Abstract. The author considers the approaches to the interpretation of the notion spiritual verse developed in performers' environment and scientific use and reveals the reasons of the absence of clear boundaries of this definition. With the purpose of terminological concretization the author singles out four archetypical models of a spiritual verse on which basis there was the development of the system of non-liturgical spiritual singing.
Key words and phrases:
лексема «духовный стих»
терминологические обозначения внебогослужебного духовного пения
фольклорные эпические и лирические стихи
покаянные стихи
"spiritual verse" lexeme
terminological designations of non-liturgical spiritual singing
folklore, epic and lyric verses
penitential verses
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  1. Безсонов П. А. Калики перехожие: сборник стихов и исследований: в 2-х ч. М.: Тип. А. Семена, 1861. Вып. 1-3. 852 с.
  2. Буслаев Ф. И. Повесть о Горе и Злосчастии, как Горе-Злосчастие довело молодца во иноческий чин // Буслаев Ф. О литературе: исследования, статьи. М.: Худож. лит., 1990. С. 164-261.
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