Pan-Art Pedagogy. Theory & Practice Philology. Theory & Practice Manuscript

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ISSUE:    Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Theory & Practice. 2011. Issue 6-2

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Vadim Nikolaevich Goncharov
Stavropol' State Pedagogical Institute

Submitted: September 10, 2011
Abstract. Society informatization is the process of influencing the society which is carried out with the purpose of satisfying the more and more growing informational needs of social development. At the same time not all the needs have truly humanistic character and many of them which are first of all and most of all satisfied during informatization are not rational and especially ecologically sensible. It causes informatization process development deformation and one of the most important tasks is to achieve the inherent combination of scientific-technical and social progress in informational aspect on the basis of universal values and interests.
Key words and phrases:
социальная деятельность
информатизация общества
информационное общество
социальные процессы
социальная информация
социально-политическое мышление
социальный прогресс
гуманистическое общество
social activity
society informatization
informational society
social process
social information
social-political thinking
social progress
humanistic society
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  2. Пирогов А. И. Информатизация российского общества и укрепление обороны страны. М.: Военный университет, 1995. 123 с.
  3. Урсул А. Д. Проблема информации в современной науке. М.: Наука, 1975. 287 с.
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