Pan-Art Pedagogy. Theory & Practice Philology. Theory & Practice Manuscript

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ISSUE:    Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Theory & Practice. 2011. Issue 7-1

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Andrei Sergeevich Epishin
Research and Development Institute of Fine Art History and Theory Russian Academy of Arts

Submitted: October 10, 2011
Abstract. The author analyzes the public opinion refraction of Alexander Kerensky as a historical figure in the Russian painting of revolutionary era, pays special attention to the three portraits of Alexander Kerensky drawn at the zenith of his political fame in summer of 1917 by Ilya Repin and his follower I. Brodsky and considers the interpretation of the model inherent non-uniqueness in the traditional Russian realistic portrait and the official portrait of the early soviet art.
Key words and phrases:
Временное правительство
революционное искусство
раннее советское искусство
Центральный музей революции
Октябрьская революция
психологический портрет
официальный портрет
provisional government
revolutionary art
early soviet art
Central Museum of Revolution
October revolution
official portrait
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