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Yuliya Pavlovna Vyshenskaya
Russian State Pedagogical University named after A. I. Gertsen
October 27, 2012
The author considers the features of stylistic doctrine creation in the British scientific circles of the medieval period, undertakes the attempt to trace the evolution stages of the linguo-philosophical views on the phenomenon as the result of ancient rhetoric statements development against the general background of various science branches progress from the Latin Middle Ages till early Renaissance, analyzes the evolutionary process of the attitudes in the European linguistic environment taking into account the ethnic coloration gained as the result of the specific ways of the English philological thought development and considers linguistic phenomena using interdisciplinary sciences data as well as the general cultural, in particular, cultural-linguistic situation in Europe and the UK within the analyzed period.
Key words and phrases:
латинская грамматическая традиция
схоластическая философия
ars poetriа
ars sermonicandi
ars dictandi (ars dictaminis)
Latin grammatical tradition
scholastic philosophy
the whole article in PDF format. Free PDF-files viewer can be downloaded here.
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