Pan-Art Pedagogy. Theory & Practice Philology. Theory & Practice Manuscript

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ISSUE:    Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Theory & Practice. 2012. Issue 4-1

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Dmitrii Valentinovich Kataev
Lipetsk State Pedagogical University

Submitted: March 7, 2012
Abstract. The author discusses the theoretical-methodological origins of Weber's sociology, which became classic in modern sociological theories, pays special attention to the little covered in native and foreign literature aspects of the methodological dispute about the subject and method of social sciences, the problem of social reality theoretical interpretation and the methods of its cognition, and also considers the preconditions for this dispute resolution through the conceptions of understanding and ideal type.
Key words and phrases:
понимающая социология
номотетический метод
идеографический метод
идеальный тип
генетический тип
методологический спор
understanding sociology
nomothetic method
ideographic method
ideal type
genetic type
methodological dispute
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