Pan-Art Pedagogy. Theory & Practice Philology. Theory & Practice Manuscript

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ISSUE:    Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Theory & Practice. 2012. Issue 5-1

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Marina Borisovna Shchaveleva
Nizhnii Novgorod State University named after N. I. Lobachevskii

Submitted: April 4, 2012
Abstract. The author discusses Arzamas native Aleksandr Vasil'evich Stupin, artist and public figure, the founder of the first provincial painting school in Russia, presents complex approach to A. V. Stupin's life and activity study, substantiates that the novelty of this study is conditioned by the introduction of previously unpublished sources into scientific circulation, and shows that the experience of artistic education organization in province, slightly adapted to modern conditions, can be used by educational institutions at present.
Key words and phrases:
А. В. Ступин
провинциальная школа живописи
всесословное художественное образование
A. V. Stupin
provincial painting school
all social classes artistic education
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  2. Корнилов П. Арзамасская школа живописи первой половины ХIХ века. М. - Л., 1947.
  3. Российский государственный исторический архив (РГИА). Ф. 789. Оп. 121.
  4. Собственноручные записки о жизни А. В. Ступина // Щукинский сборник. М., 1904. Вып. 3.
  5. Учебные заведения в Арзамасе// Нижегородские губернские ведомости. 1849. 6 августа.
  6. Центральный архив Нижегородской области (ЦАНО). Ф. 4. Оп. 1.
  7. ЦАНО. Ф. 570. Оп. 4.
  8. ЦАНО в г. Арзамасе. Ф. 91. Оп. 1.
  9. ЦАНО в г. Балахна. Ф. 570. Оп. 559 б.
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