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Andrei Anatol'evich Mashkovtsev
Vyatka State Classical University
May 10, 2012
The author considers the interrelations of the German Evangelical-Lutheran community of Kazan' with local civil administration and law enforcement agencies during the First World War, analyzes the reasons of confessional course change in relation to Lutherans in 1914, when the country leadership and regional authorities proceeded from cooperation and dialogue with the religious organization to its rights restriction, and shows the basic manifestation of repressive policies in confessional sphere, in particular Lutheran clergy persecution.
Key words and phrases:
Евангелическо-лютеранская церковь
Первая мировая война
конфессиональная политика
правоохранительные органы
Evangelical-Lutheran church
First World War
confessional policy
law-enforcement agencies
the whole article in PDF format. Free PDF-files viewer can be downloaded here.
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