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Laura Al'berdovna Nagoeva
North Caucasian State Institute of Arts
May 23, 2012
The author discusses Ashuya script in the context of the ancient inscriptions found within European territory, in the course of historical-linguistic analysis determines the parallels that give the common ground for this script and one of the earliest written artifacts of Vinča pre-Indo-European culture - Tărtăria signs, and substantiates that the ethno-genetic adjacency of these cultures allows making the conclusions about their continuity, which complies with the chronological framework of the considered cultures.
Key words and phrases:
Ашуйское письмо
Винчанское письмо
Тэртэрийские надписи
«псевдоиероглифическое библское письмо»
этнокультурные и этногенетические параллели
культурная преемственность
Ashuya script
Vinča script
Tărtăria inscriptions
"pseudo-hieroglyphic script"
ethno-cultural and ethno-genetic parallels
cultural continuity
the whole article in PDF format. Free PDF-files viewer can be downloaded here.
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