License Agreement on scientific materials use.
Dar'ya Pavlovna Khanolainen
Karelian State Pedagogical Academy
August 4, 2012
The author sets the task to show how the idea of using machine in artwork originated and developed, tells that the connection of fine art and technological progress conditioned the range of the tendencies discussed in the article, mentions that these tendencies are more or less manifested in contemporary computer and fine art, and suggests the retrospective view that enriches our understanding of how computer fine art has become what it is for the moment.
Key words and phrases:
технизация творчества
механизация творчества
массовость искусства
анонимность художника
разделение творческой и исполнительской функций
компьютерное искусство
creativity technicalization
creativity mechanization
generality of art
anonymity of artist
division of creative and executive functions
computer art
the whole article in PDF format. Free PDF-files viewer can be downloaded here.
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