Pan-Art Pedagogy. Theory & Practice Philology. Theory & Practice Manuscript

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ISSUE:    Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Theory & Practice. 2012. Issue 11-2

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Aleksei Vladimirovich Yashin
Russian Academy of National Economy and State Service (Branch) in Orel

Submitted: October 22, 2012
Abstract. The author reveals the content of the notion of administrative-territorial unit with special status in Russia, its formation and position as a result of the recent reforms on the RF entities enlargement, pays special attention to the legal status of administrative-territorial units with special status, the problem of their guaranteed mission within regional rule-making body, and furthermore emphasizes the topical nature of the problem of statutory courts formation in the enlarged RF entities.
Key words and phrases:
административно-территориальные единицы с особым статусом
процесс укрупнения регионов
правовой статус
гарантированное представительство
уставные суды
уставы укрупненных субъектов федерации
administrative-territorial units with special status
process of regions enlargement
legal status
guaranteed mission
statutory courts
statutes of enlarged entities of the federation
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