Pan-Art Pedagogy. Theory & Practice Philology. Theory & Practice Manuscript

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ISSUE:    Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Theory & Practice. 2013. Issue 1-1

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Lena Shagidulovna Suleimanova
Ufa State Oil Technical University

Submitted: December 7, 2012
Abstract. Multinational education network was formed in Bashkortostan in the second half of the ХIХ th century. Mainly there were schools of Volga and Ural regions peoples. They are the object of this research as the history of respectful attitude to the peoples of the country and the realization of the constitutional right to education in one’s native language. Despite the repeated reduction of multinational school, it survived and became an integral part of multi-ethnic society as well as its stability and tolerance.
Key words and phrases:
школы башкир, татар, чувашей, мордвы, мари, удмуртов
реформа в образовании
конституционное право на образование
межэтническая стабильность
schools of Bashkirs, Tatars, Chuvashes, Mordovians, Mari, Udmurts
reform in education
constitutional right to education
interethnic stability
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  1. Журналы совещания при Уфимской губернской земской управе по вопросам о типе начальной общеобразовательной мусульманской школы. Уфа: Паровая типо–литография т-ва Л. Е. Милюкова и К, 1911. 74 с.
  2. Сулейманова Л. Ш. История становления и развития национальных школ народов Башкортостана в XX в. Уфа: Нефтегазовое дело, 2011. 453 с.
  3. Центральный государственный архив общественных объединений Республики Башкортостан (ЦГАОО РБ). Ф. 122. Оп. 18.
  4. Центральный государственный исторический архив Республики Башкортостан (ЦГИА РБ). Ф. 798. Оп. 1.
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