Pan-Art Pedagogy. Theory & Practice Philology. Theory & Practice Manuscript

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ISSUE:    Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Theory & Practice. 2013. Issue 3-2

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Vasilii Petrovich Drapoguz
Center of Classical Education of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Submitted: February 18, 2013
Abstract. The author reveals the essence of extrapolation as the most important method of scientific cognition, a heuristic technique of creative thinking and activity, and shows that extrapolation is a kind of tool, a universal method of scientific cognition and foresight. Along with idealization, interpretation, modeling it represents a significant scientific procedure permitting the implementation of cognitive search. Contributing to research, extrapolation extends the permissive capabilities of intelligence, integrates the empirical and theoretical levels of scientific cognition into a single system of the research of the world.
Key words and phrases:
функции и модели экстраполяции
экстраполяция в системе методов научного познания
предпосылки реализации экстраполяции
экстраполяция как эвристический метод предвидения и универсальная познавательная процедура
специфика экстраполяции в естественнонаучном и социальном познании
экстраполяция в детерминистской и синергетической парадигме познания
functions and models of extrapolation
extrapolation in system of scientific cognition methods
prerequisites for realization of extrapolation
extrapolation as heuristic method of foresight and universal cognitive procedure
specificity of extrapolation in science and social cognition
extrapolation in deterministic and synergetic paradigm of cognition
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