Pan-Art Pedagogy. Theory & Practice Philology. Theory & Practice Manuscript

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ISSUE:    Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Theory & Practice. 2013. Issue 4-1

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Viktor Vasil'evich Evlanov
National Research Nuclear University “MIPhI”

Submitted: March 4, 2013
Abstract. The author analyzes the Soviet state activity on the formation of the modern management system of nature protection, tells that the solution to this complex problem, in fact, was the Russian civilization response to ecological challenge, researches three important aspects of the problem: the dialectics of the structure formation of the territorial-republican management system of nature protection, the development of the state-legal mechanism for ecological relations regulation, the increase of legislative and executive authorities role in solving ecological problems; and in the course of the research of this problem comes to the conclusion that the Soviet Union accumulated rich experience in the development of the state management system of nature protection in the 50-60s of the XXth century, which has not lost its historical significance for our country and for the world community.
Key words and phrases:
окружающая природная среда
природоохранное законодательство
взаимодействие общества и природы
охрана природы
рациональное природопользование
затратное природопользование
ресурсосберегающие технологии
система управления природоохранной деятельностью
экологическая безопасность
экологическая культура
экологическая политика
natural environment
environmental legislation
interaction of society and nature
nature protection
rational nature management
cost-based nature management
energy saving technologies
management system of nature protection activity
ecological safety
ecological culture
ecological policy
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