Pan-Art Pedagogy. Theory & Practice Philology. Theory & Practice Manuscript

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ISSUE:    Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Theory & Practice. 2013. Issue 4-2

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Viktor Vasil'evich Evlanov
National Research Nuclear University “MIPhI”

Submitted: March 18, 2013
Abstract. Basing on the analysis of specific historical facts, the author substantiates the thesis that the foundations of the social need for the integration of nature protection issues into the social-political, economic and scientific activity of the Russian society and state were laid under the conditions of the Russian agricultural civilization; considers the main objective and subjective reasons of the contradiction escalation between the man and natural environment, and analyzes the process of realizing the essence of the ecological problem. Changes in ecological public consciousness were reflected in the development of the transition from the spontaneous to conscious regulation of ecological relations, the formation of the nature protection functions of the state and society. The foundations of modern approaches to the organization of nature protection, the regulation of the interaction between society and nature were laid under the conditions of agrarian civilization.
Key words and phrases:
взаимодействие общества и природы
охрана природы
негативные экологические последствия
система управления
экологическая безопасность
экологическая культура
экологическая политика
interaction between society and nature
land use
use of forests
nature protection
negative ecological consequences
system of management
ecological safety
ecological culture
ecological policy
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