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Andrei Sergeevich Mukhin
St. Petersburg State University of Culture and Arts
March 18, 2013
The author considers national tradition in housing architecture in the Netherlands (Holland) as the sum total of not only artistic techniques and design concepts, but usual and ordinary order in the culture of everyday life, household setup, urban and rural views on cosiness and comfort; and describes the direct connection between the concept of housing, formed at the turn of the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Period, and those standards that are prevalent in the modern construction practice of Holland, despite the stylistic and technical-technological differences in the architecture of the past and the modern art of building.
Key words and phrases:
архитектура Нидерландов
жилищное строительство
культура жилой среды
национальная традиция в архитектуре
жилой интерьер
architecture of the Netherlands
housing construction
culture of living environment
national tradition in architecture
dwelling interior
the whole article in PDF format. Free PDF-files viewer can be downloaded here.
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