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Aleksandr Il'ich Yudin
Tambov State Technical University
April 10, 2013
The author presents the philosophical analysis of P. L. Lavrov’s understanding of law in history, considers the problem of history formation as a science in historical-philosophical context, reveals its specific features, analyzes the problem of the interaction between sociological (repeating) and historical (unique) laws in Lavrov’s understanding of historical process, and comes to the conclusion that Lavrov sought to find the objective basis of historical process (the interaction between culture and thought), but still put an anthropological factor to the fore, where the man was a history creator, and also created its laws.
Key words and phrases:
идея эволюции
наука и история
специфика исторического знания
Лавров о понимании исторического закона
социологические и исторические законы
человек и исторический процесс
evolution idea
science and history
historical knowledge specificity
Lavrov about historical understanding of law
sociological and historical laws
man and historical process
the whole article in PDF format. Free PDF-files viewer can be downloaded here.
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