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Sergei Stanislavovich Prostyakov
Sakhalin State University
August 12, 2013
The author presents the comparative analysis of the problem of genuine human being in the writings of prominent Protestant theologians of the ХХ
th century – K. Barth and Th. Altizer, and shows that both thinkers’ opposed approaches to this problem were expressed in fundamentally different ways of theological and philosophical thought, which was conditioned by the change of historical-cultural contexts and the transformation of the world outlook paradigm of contemporary Protestantism.
Key words and phrases:
подлинное бытие человека
трансцендентное и имманентное
протестантская неоортодоксия
истинная библейская вера
«теология кризиса»
«теология смерти Бога»
«эсхатологическая вера»
genuine human being
transcendent and immanent
Protestant neo-orthodoxy
true biblical faith
“theology of crisis”
“death of God theology”
“eschatological faith”
the whole article in PDF format. Free PDF-files viewer can be downloaded here.
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