Pan-Art Pedagogy. Theory & Practice Philology. Theory & Practice Manuscript

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ISSUE:    Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Theory & Practice. 2013. Issue 11-1

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Il'ya Vladislavovich Ruzanov
Samara State University

Submitted: October 8, 2013
Abstract. The article is devoted to the research of constitutional-legal incentives for the development of labour law in the Russian Federation under the conditions of innovative economy formation. It is hypothesized that the main way of labour law development in the XXI st century is the way that equals the legal status of workers and employers. The article analyzes possible mechanisms of such equalization, and gives the analysis of their constitutionality. The problem of labour migration is also considered, and the necessity of its regulation liberalization is substantiated from the perspective of economic analysis.
Key words and phrases:
инновационная экономика
трудовые правоотношения
трудовая миграция
конкуренция конституционных интересов
принцип эффективности
максимизация богатства
innovative economy
labour legal relations
labour migration
competition of constitutional interests
principle of efficiency
maximization of wealth
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