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Yuliya Vladimirovna Selifonova
Ulyanovsk State University
October 8, 2013
The article reveals the facts of the creative biography of outstanding French composer and organist of the XX
th century Maurice Durufle that were not previously covered in the national musical science. The author researches the rich and productive years of the composer’s study in the largest Catholic choir school of France – maîtrise Saint-Evode (1912-1919). The reconstruction of the historical context allows better understanding some of Durufle’s biographical facts. The years, spent in the closed Catholic school, contributed to the formation of the composer’s creative preferences – mainly liturgical genres based on the Gregorian chant and also music with religious themes. The formation of the individual character and style of the great French composer and organist took place during this period.
Key words and phrases:
французская музыка XX века
творческая биография композитора и органиста
музыкальное образование во Франции
матриза Сен-Эвод
the French music of the XX
creative biography of composer and organist
musical education in France
maîtrise Saint-Evode
the whole article in PDF format. Free PDF-files viewer can be downloaded here.
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