The article analyzes the bases of the new science “eurelogy” created by P. K. Engelmeyer, within which limits the problems of creative process nature are examined not only in technics, but also in science, religion and art. The main place in creativity process the philosopher assigns to the “theory of triple act” consisting of three stages: desire, knowledge and abilities. The author pays special attention to the doctrine about three stages of creativity, according to which at the 1
st stage the project of future creation appears, at the 2
nd –project is formulated and theory proving is realized, at the 3
rd stage – artistic work receives its material embodiment, technical project – constructive realization, and theory – precise formulation and final statement.
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- Чернышева А. В. Становление философии культуры в России. От Чаадаева до наших дней. Saabruecken: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing GmbH, 2011. 368 с.
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- Энгельмейер П. К. Эврология, или Всеобщая теория творчества // Вопросы теории и психологии творчества. Харьков, 1916. Т. VII. С. 76-108.