Pan-Art Pedagogy. Theory & Practice Philology. Theory & Practice Manuscript

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ISSUE:    Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Theory & Practice. 2013. Issue 12-3

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Oksana Dmitrievna Gerasimchuk
Novosibirsk State Conservatoire (Academy) named after M. I. Glinka

Submitted: November 26, 2013
Abstract. The article is devoted to the issue of the stylistic differentiation of the German polyphonic songs of the Renaissance. The author proceeds from the typology of songs according to tenor load: Volksliedweise and Hofweise . The article topicality is conditioned by the fact that secular polyphonic Lied , unlike other European Renaissance vocal genres, for the first time becomes the object of special consideration in the domestic musicology. The author seeks to reveal the typological characteristics of song texts poetics based on Volksliedweise .
Key words and phrases:
эпоха Возрождения
полифоническая песня
первоисточник Volksliedweise
поэтика песенных текстов
поэтический мотив
polyphonic song
original source of Volksliedweise
song texts poetics
poetic motif
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  3. Spiewok W. Das Volkslied // Kurze Geschichte der deutschen Literatur / Leitung und Gesamtbearbeitung K. Böttcher und H. J. Geerdts. Berlin, 1983. S. 74-76.
  4. Suppan W. Deutschen Liedleben zwischen Renaissance und Barock: die Schichtung des deutschen Liedgutes in der zweiten Hälfte des 16. Jahrhunderts. Tutzing, 1973. 236 S.
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