Pan-Art Pedagogy. Theory & Practice Philology. Theory & Practice Manuscript

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ISSUE:    Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Theory & Practice. 2014. Issue 4-1

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Dina Sergeevna Erokhina
North-Caucasus Federal University

Submitted: March 10, 2014
Abstract. The author analyzes the changes of spiritual space having great impact on the formation and development of an individual and society on the whole. In her opinion under the modern conditions of the Russian society’s existence spiritual crisis is obvious, which has disastrous influence on the formation and development of a personality. The article determines the sense bearing reasons of the spiritual decline of modern existence as well as its consequences. The understanding of spirituality as a sum of values, on which a person is oriented in life activity process, is revealed. The objectives and problems of spiritual space renewal are determined. The necessity of spiritual space renewal methods search is noted that is one of the main social-philosophical trends.
Key words and phrases:
духовное пространство
трансформация духовного пространства
обновление духовно-нравственного пространства
духовно-нравственное бытие
духовно-нравственные традиции
духовный кризис
ценностное сознание
национальная самобытность
spiritual space
transformation of spiritual space
renewal of spiritual and moral space
spiritual and moral existence
spiritual and moral traditions
spiritual crisis
value consciousness
national originality
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