Pan-Art Pedagogy. Theory & Practice Philology. Theory & Practice Manuscript

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ISSUE:    Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Theory & Practice. 2014. Issue 5-1

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Anna Borisovna Permilovskaya
Institute of North Ecological Problems of Ural Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences

Submitted: March 31, 2014
Abstract. The article deals with the specifics of forming the exposition of open-air museums taking into consideration the author’s experience on the formation of the museum of wooden architecture “Malye Korely” (1975-2002), scientific internships and conferences in the skansens of Russia and Western Europe. The architectural- ethnographic exposition of the museum represents national historical and cultural specifics, the traditional lifestyle of the ethnos. In the cultures of many states the open-air museum has a meaning of the symbol of the traditional culture of the country or region.
Key words and phrases:
музей под открытым небом
архитектурно-этнографическая экспозиция
open-air museum
architectural-ethnographic exposition
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  1. Ланг Мерике. Концепция музея под открытым небом как вечно развивающегося организма // Проблемы развития этнографических музеев под открытым небом в современных условиях: материалы науч.-практ. конф. Иркутск, 2006. С. 4-14.
  2. Czajkowski Jerzy. An Ourline of Skansen Museologi in Europe // Open Air Museums in Poland. Poznan, 1981. P. 12-31.
  3. Nordenson E. Skansen During 100 Years // Report 15 the Meeting. Skansen 1891-1991. Sweden. Association of European Open Air Museums / ed. by M. Janson, Chr. Zeuner. Kristianstad, 1993. P. 51-55.
  4. Permilovskaya A. Carpentry Traditions in the Russian North and their Realization in the Open Air Museum // Working Session of the Association of European Open Air Museums. Croatia, 2002. P. 150-155.
  5. Permilovskaya A. Wedding in the Open Air Museum // Association of European Open Air Museums. Report of the 21st Conference. Scotland, 2003. P. 109-122.
  6. Rentzhog S. Survival - a Matter of Change // 20th Conference of the Association of European Open Air Museums (Hungary 19th to 20th august 2001). Szententendre, 2001. P. 72-77.
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