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Esma Zakanovna Gunba
Saratov State Sobinov Conservatory
May 21, 2014
The article considers the preservation of the wedding ritual of the Abkhazians and its dramaturgic role. The author emphasizes the significance of matrimonial taboo, which falls into two groups: relationship and class membership. The paper describes the structure of wedding song material in the ritual and its division into adopted and free and also the division of wedding songs into dialogic and choral with solo. The author analyzes one of the important and meaningful songs of the wedding ritual - Atatsaagara ashea - “Introducing the Fiancée, or Radeda”. Special attention is paid to the identification of the forms of marriage among the Abkhazians, in this context the researcher presents the analysis of the dramaturgy of marriage by open negotiations as the most traditional type. Exactly the mentioned type contains a set of musical genres, which testify the aesthetic originality of the whole ritual.
Key words and phrases:
свадебный обряд
свадебный фольклор
песенный материал
закреплённый и незакреплённый свадебный обряд
величальные песни
шуточные песни
танцевальные песни
wedding ritual
wedding folklore
song material
adopted and free wedding ritual
songs of praise
comic sings
dancing songs
the whole article in PDF format. Free PDF-files viewer can be downloaded here.
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