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Fazilya Ramiz Gyzy Nabieva
Institute of Architecture and Art of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences
September 10, 2014
The article mentions the breadth of round dance expansion area, expresses the probability of carrying out rituals by people in honor of the Sun in the early periods of history; and tells about the transformation of these rituals later in round dance genre. Special attention is paid to the close relationship of the Sun worship and the ceremony “Nowruz” celebrated in connection with spring coming. It is emphasized that all this will be important in the study of those people’s worldview, who lived in the early periods of history.
Key words and phrases:
культ солнца
круговые ритуальные обряды
символ солнца
круговые танцы
церемония «Новруз»
the Sun worship
round rituals
symbol of the Sun
round dance
ceremony “Nowruz”
the whole article in PDF format. Free PDF-files viewer can be downloaded here.
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