Pan-Art Pedagogy. Theory & Practice Philology. Theory & Practice Manuscript

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ISSUE:    Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Theory & Practice. 2014. Issue 12-2

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Anna Anatol'evna Kulikova
Institute of Service Sector and Entrepreneurship (Branch) of Don State Technical University in Shakhty

Submitted: October 30, 2014
Abstract. The article considers the system and powers of the machinery of government at the state-owned enterprise. The aim of the paper is to determine the legal status of the head of the state-owned enterprise, to analyse his/her powers of two types: control over the enterprise and the management of its affairs. The current legislation governing the management of state-owned enterprises attaches great importance to the legal status of their heads. Conclusions are made that the system of the machinery of government of the enterprise is determined only by laws, other normative and legal acts and constituent documents.
Key words and phrases:
казенные предприятия
руководитель казенного предприятия
правовой статус и полномочия руководителя казенного предприятия
органы управления казенного предприятия
правовое регулирование казенных предприятий
state-owned enterprises
head of state-owned enterprise
legal status and powers of head of state-owned enterprise
machinery of government of state-owned enterprise
legal regulation of state-owned enterprises
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